Today’s Lineup (scroll down for the embeds):
11:00am ET clip premiere: INN News: J Street Cheer Harris Coddling Israel
10:00pm ET LIVE!: Russiagate 3.0 is Here | The Myth Behind Bitcoin’s Founder | Anti-Corruption Law Gutted: How Did We Miss That #128
midnight ET LIVE!: Boats Smashing Into Other Boats LIVE! #128
11:00am ET clip premiere: INN News: J Street Cheer Harris Coddling Israel
and10:00pm ET LIVE!: Russiagate 3.0 is Here | The Myth Behind Bitcoin’s Founder | Anti-Corruption Law Gutted: How Did We Miss That #128
andmidnight ET LIVE!: Boats Smashing Into Other Boats LIVE! #128
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