Sunday’s Lineup (scroll down for the embeds):
5:15am ET new article: Israeli Defense Minister Admits To Use Of Hannibal Directive On October 7th by The Dissident
11am ET clip premiere: Jolani DEMANDS Reparations From Russia? | INN News
10pm ET LIVE!: Terrorism on American Soil? | USAID Media | Elon’s US Data Coup | Israeli War Crimes | How Did We Miss That #146
midnight ET LIVE!: Boats Smashing Into Other Boats LIVE! #146
Saturday’s Lineup (scroll down for the embeds):
11am ET clip premiere: Trump Goes FULL-THROATED Zionist With Bibi At White House | INN News
1:30pm ET clip premiere: Ali Abunimah Deported by Switzerland, Back Home Now | How Did We Miss That
5:15am ET new article: Israeli Defense Minister Admits To Use Of Hannibal Directive On October 7th by The Dissident
11am ET clip premiere: Jolani DEMANDS Reparations From Russia? | INN News
and10pm ET LIVE!: Terrorism on American Soil? | USAID Media | Elon’s US Data Coup | Israeli War Crimes | How Did We Miss That #146
andmidnight ET LIVE!: Boats Smashing Into Other Boats LIVE! #146
11am ET clip premiere: Trump Goes FULL-THROATED Zionist With Bibi At White House | INN News
and1:30pm ET clip premiere: Ali Abunimah Deported by Switzerland, Back Home Now | How Did We Miss That
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